Catholic Schools NSW - CSNSW
Catholic Schools NSW | Catholic Schools NSW
CSNSW work to improve the education and faith outcomes of students in Catholic schools in New South Wales. They take a leadership role, coordinating and representing Catholic education in NSW at a state and national level.The aim and mission of Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) is to support the Bishops of NSW in bringing to life the Church’s evangelising mission through our Catholic schools.To achieve this mission, Catholic schools work to foster both educational excellence and deep faith development in our students in NSW Catholic school.
Home | NSW Education Standards
On this site you will gain access to key documents and policies for NSW education, statistics on the HSC and SC, NSW syllabuses, past HSC examination papers and links to schools.
The task of the CER is primarily to advise Catholic employers of teachers on industrial matters. While employment relations in education have remained the major focus of the CER, in recent years its role has been expanded to almost all areas of employment in the Church. CATHOLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS CER provides legal advice to Catholic employers, including industrial relations matters. We combine Human Resources, Employment Relations and Legal Services to identify and support workplace needs in the Education, Social Services and Aged Care, Diocesan, Health and Religious Insitute sectors.
National Catholic Education Commission
The National Catholic Education Commission is the official body appointed by and responsible to the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference for developing, enunciating and acting upon policy at the national level for the Church's work in education.
Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes (NSW)
The purpose of the Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes is to foster the life and mission of the religious sisters, brothers and priests in the Church in New South Wales by mutual co-operation, by collaboration with the Bishops in the mission of the Church, by research and reflection on religious life and by co-operation with and representation on relevant organisation.
Official Vatican website with news, information, and press releases concerning the Pope.
Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference
The Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference webpage provides a rich source of material for Catholic educators: conference bulletins, details about the Catholic Church in Australia, statements on a wide range of social and moral issues as well as links to Catholic sites in Australia.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Implements government policies and programs to provide education and training opportunities for all Australians, to increase employment participation and to ensure fair and productive workplaces.
Department of Education
The Australian Government Department of Education is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality and affordable child care, early childhood education, school education, higher education, international education and academic research.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority - ACARA
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is an independent statutory authority with a vision to inspire improvement in the learning of all young Australians through world-class curriculum, assessment and reporting.
NSW Department of Community Services
The NSW Department of Community Services (DoCS) promotes the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and works to build stronger families and communities. Visit this site for "Keep Them Safe" advice.